
Past Outings (redirected from Upcoming Outings)

Page history last edited by Ron Prickett 4 years, 4 months ago


Green frog - Val Walker




SOO NATS OUTINGS RESUME see new website https://saultnaturalists.org/!




Now that it is permissible to be outdoors in larger groups, the Executive Committee has initiated some nature outings starting on August 01. 

Additional guidelines pertaining to our outings during the COVID pandemic are listed HERE. It is in everybody’s best interest to abide by these new guidelines to ensure a safe environment for all participants.


Please note: Non-members must sign a liability waiver prior to participating in any outing. A waiver can be found HERE and must be read, printed and signed before arriving at the meeting place.


As the International Bridge is not yet open, we will schedule outings for both sides of the border simultaneously but independently.

The Canadian outings as well as American outings are listed below:


Saturday, August 01

Mission Monarch- It’s Mission Monarch Saturday and we will contribute to this Nation Wide census of Monarch Butterflies on the Wallwork Nature Reserve on St Joseph Island. The purpose is to count all the butterflies we see, inspect the milkweed plants for eggs and caterpillars and submit the data to Mission Monarch.  Here is the website for Mission Monarch for more information about it and how it works. https://www.mission-monarch.org/mission-monarch-blitz/   

Meet Dave Euler at Kent’s Corners on St. Joseph Island at 10:00 am. Turn west on Hwy 548 at the Hwy 17 turn-off to St. Joseph Island and drive to the first main intersection on the Island. I will be there in my red Volkswagen.  We will convoy to the Wallwork Nature Reserve where we will collect data for Mission Monarch first and then spend some time exploring the Reserve. The area where we count Monarchs is dry, but some other parts of the Reserve will be muddy and wet. Bring lunch and water and bug repellent, and dress for the weather. 

Leader: Dave Euler 705-248-1494 (H), 705-254-8796 (C)  davideuler838@gmail.com

Meet: 10:00 am @ Kent’s Corners

There will be no carpooling for this outing. 


Saturday, August 08

Biking St Joseph Island - We will bike on asphalt roads looking for butterflies to wild turkeys and anything else that nature may provide us. We will ride approximately 35 kilometres starting at the Marina in Richard’s Landing.

We will meet at the Wellington Square Mall at 9:30am and convoy to the Marina. Bring a lunch and water.  Dress for the weather and check our cycling guidelines onhttps://saultnaturalists.org/

Leader: Jeff Robinson 705-542-9449 jeff_robinson_@hotmail.com

Meet: 9:30 am @ Wellington Square Mall (near South Market St)

There will be no carpooling for this outing.


Saturday, August 15

Birding and Botanizing the Floodways West of Town - Throughout the west end of the city are flood control channels and spillways managed by the SSMarie Conservation Authority. They are green spaces where there is much potential for enhancement of wildlife habitat. We went there in 2018 and will again travel sections of the floodways on foot and move to other areas by car to observe flora and fauna. The entire route is less than 8 km. We will begin and end at Market Mall. Bring lunch, water and binoculars.

Leader: Ron Prickett 705-255-2338 ron_prickett@yahoo.ca

Meet: 10:00 am @ Market Mall (near Country Style Donuts)

There will be no carpooling for this outing. 


Saturday, August 22

Stobie Creek Paddle - Join Ila for a paddle (canoe or kayak) beginning at the Desbarats boat launch. We’ll paddle down the river and then east along the Lake Huron shoreline. A left turn takes us into the Stobie Creek where we will continue upstream. Along the way watch for aquatic plants, birds and mammals that inhabit the area. Each boat is required to have legislated Ontario boat safety gear (pfd, whistle, throw rope, bailer).  Bring a lunch, water, hat and sunscreen 

Leader: Ila Aho 705-949-1097 ilaaho@hotmail.com

Meet: 9:00 am @ Wellington Square Mall (near South Market St) or Desbarats boat launch at 9:30am

There will be no carpooling for this outing.


Sunday, August 23, 2020 

Mushroom Foray at Dunbar Forest Preserve (Barbeau) – We’ll be primarily on the hunt for the edible and beautiful chanterelles, but we will also try to identify any mushrooms or other fungi that we stumble across.  Bring your mask, mushroom ID books, a collection basket or bag, lunch, and sturdy shoes for off-trail hiking.  Carpooling is discouraged with people outside your household, so we are all meeting close to the site at the easternmost end of 15 Mile at the Cozy Corners.  We ask that all participants wear masks and practice social distancing during the event.  Please let Barb know if you're coming no later than Saturday night.

Leader: RSVP to Barb Scott 859-948-9158 (cell)  will.barb.us@gmail.com

Meet: 10:00 am @ the Cozy Corners Restaurant, Barbeau


Saturday, August 29

Trails at the Kensington Conservancy - We will drive to The Kensington Conservancy (TKC) headquarters in Desbarats where we can enjoy a series of trails developed on some of the land the Conservancy owns. There are some 3.5 kilometers of marked trails through a variety of wooded habitats. As well, there is a large meadow at the headquarters that supports birds and butterflies that like the open habitat. We will hike the trails, looking for birds, plants, butterflies or any other interesting wildlife.

Meet at TKC headquarters at 10:00 am, dressed for the weather and with a lunch and water. The trails are mostly dry and easy to walk but there will be a few muddy spots.

Directions- drive to Desbarats on Hwy 17 and turn west (right) at the caution light. A gravel road leads up a slight incline to the TKC main building and parking lot. We will hike for a couple of hours, have lunch, and then return to the starting place. Total time 3.5 to 4 hours.

For more information on TKC  http://www.kensingtonconservancy.org/.

Leader: Dave Euler, (H) 705-248-1494 (H), 705-254-8796 (C)  davideuler838@gmail.com

Meet: 10:00 am @ The Kensington Conservancy, Desbarats 

There will be no carpooling for this outing.



Important Notice to Outing Leaders 

Non-members need to sign a waiver form in order to participate in our outings, so it is the responsibility of each outing leader to take a copy of the Non_Member Field Trip Waiver_2020.pdf  on each outing, obtain the signatures of any nonmembers, and turn in the form to the Field Trips Coordinator. It is also the responsibility of the outing leader to determine that all participants understand the terms of the waiver and that they are physically able to participate.  The leader should exclude from participation persons who seems incapable of meeting the demands of a particular outing or are unable to take responsibility for themselves and their safety for the duration of the outing.

     If anything significant about your outing changes (date, destination, etc.) or if you need to cancel it, please make the changes to your outing's description below or contact Val Walker (705-253-7044; valwalker8@yahoo.ca) to post the changes.


Important Notice to Outing Participants

1) Please contact trip leaders before each outing. See the Outing Guidelines for more information about outing protocol. If carpooling, please consider assisting the driver with gas costs.

2) There have been cases in the past of outing participants picking wildflowers. Note that with rare exceptions, damaging living things is forbidden. See this Message for details

3) Please see the new Cycling Guidlines 2019.pdf for group cycling. Chuck Miller has composed a list of cycling tips to keep everyone safe on our club rides. 


Wanted! Outing Reports

ALL SAULT NATURALISTS MEMBERS are invited to contribute outing reports and photos for posting on the SooNats web site. Send your contributions to Val Walker at valwalker8@yahoo.ca. Other members enjoy hearing about our outing experiences, especially those members who can no longer participate in the club's outdoor activities.


Scheduled and Unscheduled Outings

Click on the following link to download a copy of the current Outing Schedule. For those weekends when no outing is scheduled, call Ron Prickett (705) 254-1533 or Val Walker (705) 253-7044 to see if an impromptu outing may be planned. Click here to submit your Ideas for Future Out 






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