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This version was saved 15 years, 1 month ago View current version     Page history
Saved by John W Lehman
on September 1, 2009 at 2:07:30 pm


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Click on a link for information about a club project.


Fort Creek

Wishart Park

Hub Trail

Viewing Platforms

Breeding Bird Atlas


To correct or update the information in any of these reports, click on the report's link, click on the "Edit page" button, make the changes or additions, and click "Save." If you have added new information include your name and the date of the addition. You can also e-mail jwillehman@gmail.com to report additions or corrections.


To enter information about a different project on a new wiki page, send an email to jwillehman@gmail.com or follow these steps:

1. Log in and click on the "Edit" tab above.

2. Enter the name of your project just above the first blue page link.

3. Use the cursor to select the name of the project and click on "Insert a link to a new page" under the Pages tab on the right.  

4. Click  "Save" below and then click on your page link.

5. Click on  "Create page" in the window that appears (you can change the name of your page at this time if you wish). Your page will now appear with the name you've given it.

6. Click the "Edit" tab and enter your report, including your name and the date.

7. Click "Save" below.


You can use the methods described in Contributing to the Wiki to enter text, photographs, or other material based on your interests.





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