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Meetings and Outings

Page history last edited by Ron Prickett 3 years, 8 months ago


Meetings are held September through June, usually on the second Tuesday of each month, in either Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario or Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Speakers chosen from a wide range of knowledgeable people present talks on such subjects as plants, animals, mushrooms, geology, current environmental issues, and outdoor recreation. Meetings are often followed by refreshments, allowing members to socialize and meet informally with the speakers. The annual meeting in February, which includes a banquet, features noted speakers. Nonmembers are welcome at our meetings but must purchase a ticket for the annual meeting. 


 Outings are held year round, rain or shine and range from evening walks to day-long rambles, weekend excursions and 4-5 day campouts. Outings-led by knowledgeable persons-include natural history (birds, flowers, mushrooms, edible plants, mammals and other wildlife), geology, canoe trips, camping, and outdoor recreation. The wide variety offered allows members to choose outings that match their interests. Nonmembers are welcome to join us on our outings. 


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