
Constitution and By-Laws

Page history last edited by John W Lehman 6 years, 4 months ago


Click on Constitution to download a copy of this Constitution and the Bylaws.






February 2015 

Article 1 -- NAME 

This organization shall be known as the SAULT NATURALISTS OF ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN / SAULT STE. MARIE FIELD NATURALISTS, hereinafter referred to as The Club. 


Article 2 -- OBJECTIVES 

The objectives of this organization shall be to provide its members with a common meeting ground for the exchange of ideas and for broadening their knowledge and understanding of natural science; to promote the appreciation, preservation and conservation of our natural heritage; and to support and cooperate with other organizations with similar aims. 


Article 3 -- MEMBERSHIP 

Any person or family shall, upon payment of dues, become a member of this organization. Payment of the Annual Dues as set out in the Bylaws shall be a condition for maintaining membership. Membership classifications in the club are: Regular, Family, Student, Honorary, Life and Charter members. 

1. Individual members may hold office and vote at business meetings. 

2. Family members consist of parent(s) and dependent children. Adult members may hold office and vote at business meetings. 

3. Charter members are those members who were present at the first, second, or third meeting of the SAULT NATURALISTS OF ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN. 

4. Honorary members shall be elected on recommendation of the Board of Directors by a majority vote of the general membership in recognition of distinguished service related to the purposes of the club. 

5. Life members shall be those persons who paid a lump sum for such membership as outlined in the bylaws. Such persons shall be entitled to hold office and vote at business meetings. 


Article 4 -- FUNDS 

1. The CURRENT FUND shall contain the working money of the club for current operations. This fund shall receive all normal income such as regular membership fees and other money not allocated to specific purposes. 

2. Money received for life memberships shall be deposited in an interest generating account. Funds from this account may be withdrawn and used for club purposes at a rate not normally exceeding 5% of available funds per year. Withdrawals in excess of 5% require permission from the general membership. 


Article 5 -- OFFICERS 

Officers of the club shall be the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the club. A special election may be held at a regular meeting to fill an official vacancy upon notice of such election to members. Such notice shall be posted electronically and/or via a printed notice. 



The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officials (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer), chairpersons of Program, Outings (Field Trips) and Environmental Action Committees; appointed members dealing with membership, publicity and archival records; and also member(s) at large and the past president. 

The president shall chair the Executive Board meetings and prepare the agenda. Topics for the agenda can be suggested to the president by any member of the Executive Board. All motions and the results shall be recorded. In order for the motion to carry a majority of the elected officials present must be in favour of the motion. The president, who chairs the meeting, can speak to and vote on any motion. The Roberts Rules of Order shall apply.

 Upon retirement of the President from office, the President shall continue to be a member of the Board of Directors until such time as the incoming President retires. The Board of Directors shall meet from time to time at the call of the President or any two of its members; it shall manage all matters affecting the welfare and activities of the club; it shall manage all matters of the funds of club; it shall present at the Annual Meeting a report on the year’s work. The Board shall have power to accept any resignation and to appoint any member of the club to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term of office. 


Article 7 -- TERM OF OFFICE 

All persons elected or appointed shall commence their duties at the close of the meeting at which they are elected or appointed. All elected officials should serve for a two-year term or until a successor is elected or appointed. 


Article 8 -- QUORUM 

Ten members shall constitute a quorum to conduct business of the club and five members shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors. If membership declines below thirty, a general membership meeting shall determine the future of the club. In case of dissolution, assets of the SAULT NATURALISTS OF ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN/SAULT STE. MARIE FIELD NATURALISTS shall be turned over to one or more affiliated organizations as decided at that general membership meeting. 



1. The president shall preside at regular meetings of the Club and at meetings of the Board of Directors. 

2. The president shall be ex-officio member of all committees of the SAULT NATURALISTS OF ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN/SAULT STE. MARIE FIELD NATURALISTS. 

3. The vice-president shall assist the president in his/her duties and shall in his/her absence or at his/her request act in his/her stead. 

4. The secretary shall keep minutes of the proceedings of the General Membership Meetings, the Annual Meetings and the Board Meetings and handle correspondence and filing copies of same. 

5. The treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the club. The treasurer shall submit a quarterly and annual financial statement. 

6. Cheques and any banking documents shall be signed by the Treasurer, or in his/her absence, the president or vice-president.  

Detailed duties of officers are found in Bylaw VII. 



There shall be three Standing Committees: Program Committee, Field Trips Committee, and Environmental Action Committee. The president shall appoint chairpersons for the Program, Field Trip and Environmental Action Committees. Each chairperson shall have the power to select members of his/her committee from among the members in good standing of the Club. From time to time the Board of Directors may set up other committees to deal with specific questions. 


Article 11 -The president shall appoint a person who will be responsible for membership recruitment and keeping membership records. 


Article 12 - The president shall appoint a person who will be responsible for keeping the archival records of the club and catalog of all properties belonging to the Club. 


Article 13 -The president shall appoint a person who will be responsible for creating publicity for the Club include including notices of meetings, field trips and outings and special activities of the Club. 


Article 14-The president may appoint members-at-large of the Executive Board. 


Article 15 -- AUDITOR 

An Auditor will be appointed by the president, who shall examine the Treasurer’s accounts and certify as to their accuracy. The Treasurer shall present the audited report at the Annual Meeting. 


Article 16-- ANNUAL MEETING 

The Annual Meeting of the Club will be held at such time and place as specified in the Bylaws.

At the end of a monthly General Meeting, a Business Meeting may be held that will serve to allow business that is normally conducted at the Annual Meeting in February to be completed. 



At the October meeting the president shall appoint a nominating committee to present a slate of officers at the Annual Meeting. Other nominations will be accepted from the floor. 


Article 18 -- AFFILIATIONS 

The SAULT NATURALISTS OF ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN/SAULT STE. MARIE FIELD NATURALISTS is affiliated with Ontario Nature, the Michigan Audubon Society and Nature Canada. Directors may appoint representatives to such affiliates from year to year. 


Articles 19-- AMENDMENTS 

An Amendment to this constitution may be made at an Annual Meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the members present, notice having been sent to the Secretary, who shall present it at a meeting of the Board of Directors at least two months previous to such Annual Meeting. Notification of a proposed Amendment shall be posted electronically and/or via a printed newsletter at least one month before the Annual Meeting at which a vote on the Amendment is to be taken. 


Article 20 -- BYLAWS 

A Quorum may propose Bylaws that are consistent with the provisions of the Articles of this Constitution. The Bylaws and any amendments thereto shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority at a General Membership Meeting.






February 2015 

THESE BYLAWS of the SAULT NATURALISTS OF ONTARIO AND MICHIGAN/SAULT STE. MARIE FIELD NATURALISTS (hereinafter referred to as the “Club”) shall be effective upon adoption by a quorum of the general membership of the Club, as voted upon at a General Membership Meeting. 



1. On an annual basis, January 1 through December 31, dues shall be in the following amounts: 

a. Individual membership $25.00 

b. Family membership (parents and children) $30.00 

c. Student (including university) $10.00 

d. Life member - recognized upon a one-time payment of $250.00 

2. The above amounts shall be acceptable in either Canadian or United States funds. 

3. Monies received for the first three categories shall be applied against the earliest unpaid yearly dues. 



1. A member may be expelled from the Club for conduct or activities prejudicial to the well-being of the Club. The procedure shall be as follows: 

a. A member who considers the actions or behavior of another member to be prejudicial shall submit a complaint in writing to the president. 

b. The president shall convene a meeting of the general membership to discuss the complaint. 

c. If the complaint is of such a nature that, in the unanimous opinion of the members, it demonstrates prejudicial behavior, the member will be asked to resign. 

d. If the opinion of the members is not unanimous, the member may be reprimanded but not asked to resign. 

2. Any member of the Club convicted of violating any existing governmental law pertaining to plant and animal life may be suspended for such period of time as the Board of Directors may deem appropriate. 



1. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS shall be held at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board. 

2. The ANNUAL MEETING shall be held on the second Tuesday of February at such time and place to be determined by the committee responsible for the event. In the event of a special civic or national occasion or festival, the time and or place of the meeting may be changed to coincide with the celebration, with the consent of the Executive Board. 

3. EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS shall be held at least quarterly. 

4. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed at all business meetings. 



1. Although all persons are eligible to go on field trips organized by the Club, some trips may not be appropriate for certain individuals, to wit: 

a. Some trips may cover rugged terrain which requires unusual physical strength and agility.  

b. Some trips may be of such duration that a good deal of stamina is required. Therefore, it should be responsibility of the trip leader to discourage anyone from attempting to participate if, in the leader’s judgment, a person does not have the physical strength to safely overcome any hardships which may be encountered. 

2. It shall not be considered appropriate for members or friends to bring pets on field trips. 

3. Members and friends are encouraged to bring children, provided that the children are mature enough and of sufficient physical stamina to meet the rigours of the trip and provided that they remain under the parents’ control and supervision. 

4. The leader of the trip shall have the authority to reprimand any individual who is making a nuisance of him/herself or who is not observing a proper regard for the natural environment. 



1. Before the end of the year, the Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the forthcoming year from information received from the officers and committee heads. 

2. The Executive Board may authorize an unbudgeted expense up to $200.00. 

3. Any expense in excess of $200.00 which has not been budgeted must be presented at a General Membership Meeting and authorized by the members. 



Amendments to these Bylaws may be presented at any meeting at which a quorum of members is present. Such amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members present at a General Membership Meeting. 




PRESIDENTIAL DUTIES (Elected position) 

The president is the chief executive and signing officer and has the following responsibilities: 

1. To represent the Club to other organizations and to the news media. 

2. To preside at general meetings, unless a moderator is appointed for this purpose. 

3. To oversee the implementation of all policies and actions decided at meetings. 

4. To chair the Executive Committee and implement its decisions, unless another officer is designated to this function. 

5. To assign tasks to other officers. 

6. To be well-versed in the constitution, by-laws and procedures of the Club. 

7. To present a report on the state of the Club at the Annual General Meeting of the membership. 

The president may delegate duties to other officers but remains responsible for all consequent actions taken by these officers. 



1. The vice-president can act as substitute for the president or as a president elect 

2. The vice president takes over the presidency (at least temporarily) if the president does not complete a full term and must thus be familiar with all of the functions and responsibilities of this office. 


SECRETARIAL DUTIES (Elected position) 

1. Be present and take minutes at each: 

General Membership Meeting – once a month approximately 2+ hours – at the Canadian or American specified meeting place. 

Executive Meeting – once a month or as necessary – approximately 2+ hours at a specified meeting place. 

Annual General Meeting – usually February –approximately 4 hours – very important due to election of officials. Location alternates yearly between Canada and United States.

2. Set up prior to these meetings so they run on time. Supplies include note paper/book, pens, minutes binder, current newsletter, calendar for reference, sign-in book which is to be circulated and picked-up, electrical extension cord if necessary and whatever else is required. 

3. Store at home – supplies/letterhead/envelopes/job descriptions. 

4. Transcribe minutes at home – taking whatever time necessary to make them readable Keep one copy in the minutes binder and give a second copy to the president as soon as possible. This record supplies a task list assigned at meetings. The president needs this for future reference. Send minutes out via email. 

5. Make amendments to the current minutes when necessary, then ensure amendments are approved by the members present. Send approved minutes to Wiki administrator for posting on Wiki. 

6. Append any submitted, pertinent information to appropriate minutes, such as financial reports from the treasurer. 

7. Maintain files in the Minutes Binder, which, when full is passed on to the properties chairperson for the archival library. 

8. Prepare any letters, get well or sympathy notes as required (may involve research or phone calls to get data for transcribing and sending) for the Club, keeping copies for reference. 

9. Keep personal receipts of any expenses such as telephone calls, stamps, supplies for submission to the treasurer.


TREASURER DUTIES (Elected position) 

1. Provide general financial oversight, financial planning, budgeting and financial reporting 

2. Accept all funds from memberships, donations and sale of Club items and deposit all funds promptly into appropriate account. 

3. Pay all invoices promptly as authorized by Executive Committee. 

4. Manage United States and Canadian chequing accounts and savings instruments. 

5. Prepare monthly financial statements for the executive and general meetings. 

6. Reconcile the chequing accounts monthly and follow up on any outstanding items. 

7. Prepare an annual budget based on input from the Club committees and based on the Club’s needs and goals. 

8. Prepare a financial report at year end for the annual Club report. 

9. Prepare books and statements for an annual audit.  

10. Recommend and implement financial strategies to meet the Clubs goals, to reduce bank fees and increase investment income. 



1. Act as the chair of the Sault Naturalists Environmental Action Committee. The committee is open to all members of the Sault Naturalists who wish to participate. The chair shall communicate with the members of the committee as to the time, date and location of any meetings and be responsible for an agenda being sent out to each member prior to the meeting. 

2. Report back in writing to the Executive Board at each board meeting. This will keep the board informed of the discussions and proposed activities of the committee. 

3. Present any proposed actions to the Executive Board for approval. 

4. If appointed by the president, represent the Sault Naturalists on any community group. The chair shall report back regularly to the president and the Executive Board on the activities associated with these community groups. 

5. Submit a brief report at the Annual Meeting. 

Any communications concerning environmental actions must be made by the president or at the discretion of the president, the Environmental Action Committee Chair. 



1. Create a schedule of outings (field trips) for the Sault Naturalists. 

2. Communicate and publicize this schedule and individual outings to the members and to the public. 

3. Encourage members to come forward and act as outing leaders. 

4. Support outing leaders, ensuring that they understand their responsibilities concerning the safety and well being of outing participants. 

5. Encourage participants to car pool whenever possible on all outings. 

6. Encourage members to suggest outings that appeal to the diverse interests of the membership. Maintain a list of outings and their leaders for future reference. 

7. Attend Executive Board meetings and report on outings at both executive and general meetings. 

8. Bring forward to the Executive any problems experienced concerning the outings. 

9. Encourage members to call the leaders before outings to indicate their attendance. 



1. Arrange for a speaker or presentation at each of the Club’s monthly meetings, and the Annual meeting. 

2. Keep a schedule and an information file of the speakers and/or presentations. 

3. If there is a cancellation by a speaker or a presentation, endeavor to find a substitute. Report changes to the president and the vice president and update the website. 

4. Send out a notice of the upcoming program presentations to the membership at least semi- annually. 

5. Submit a brief report for distribution at the Annual Meeting. 

6. The program coordinator may set up a program committee. The structure and function of the committee will be determined by the coordinator. 



1. List and be aware of the location of various artifacts, material and documents belonging to the Club. 

2. Keep a scrapbook containing clippings, letters, newsletters, pictures etc. of an historical significance to the Club 

3. Maintain a meeting minutes book from past years and other pertinent documents. 

4. Maintain a listing of the physical assets of the Club and their current location. 



1. Attend annual meetings and general meetings. Be prepared to accept and process renewals and new memberships. 

2. Maintain an up-to-date list of memberships (individual, family, life or complementary) 

3. Attend Executive Committee meetings, and bring membership-related questions and concerns to the executive. 

4. Provide an up-to-date list of members and their contact information to the president and the persons(s) in charge of distributing information on outings, meetings, newsletters etc. 

5. Send out or hand out membership cards to all members who have renewed their membership. 

6. Send out a membership card along with a package of information (where to meet for outings, place and time of meetings, etc.) to new members who register by mail. 

7. Send out reminders to people who are slow in renewing their membership. 

8. Pick up mail and distribute to appropriate executive members. 

9. Forward all cash received for membership to the treasurer in a timely manner. 

10. Maintain a supply of membership forms, membership cards and associated papers. 

11. Submit reports to the Executive Committee including information such as current numbers and types of memberships, U.S. vs. Canadian membership and members slow in renewing. 

12. Provide Great Lakes Forestry Research Centre with an up to date signup sheet. 

13. Have complimentary memberships available for guest speakers. 



1. Be a member of the executive committee. 

2. Assist in decisions affecting the club. 

3. Perform special duties or complete projects as required by the executive committee. 

4. Represent the executive committee at general meetings when required. 



1. Be a member of the executive committee. 

2. Attend executive committee meetings and bring publicity-oriented concerns or opportunities to the executive. 

3. Keep the executive informed of any media requests for information. 

4. Maintain an up-to-date list of media contacts (Michigan and Ontario). 

5. Act as a primary point of contact for media requests for interviews and then notify President, and then executive, of requests. 

6. Submit an annual report on media coverage of Sault Naturalist events in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario and Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. 

7. Identify other opportunities where Sault Naturalists information could be made available to the public. 

8. Send information on upcoming outings or programs to the media on a regular basis. 



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